BINGO! Stay on the Ball Ladies by Belinda Bradley


Thursday 19 January 2023 / 10 - 6pm

Soho Arts Community Hall 14 Weld St South Hobart (lots of parking)

Bingo! is a clever consideration of friendship - life and dying on one’s own terms, peppered with tales of real life and is often very funny

Bingo! is the story of six mature women, set in rural Tasmania, who played netball together when they were young. In an unfortunate twist of fate, on their way to bingo, they have a car accident and run over “Death”. Death has a bad back and is not impressed.

Belinda Bradley is a Tasmanian playwright and Blue Cow Theatre’s Writer in Residence.

CAST Requirements:

DEATH - 1 non female identifying performer.

  • some dramatic stage experience

  • can sing

  • confidence dancing/moving

Those invited to audition for Death will be given a monologue (prior to the day) from the script to perform and be asked to prepare a 2mins song in a cabaret, cheeky storytelling style, not slow. Use a backing track if you want to.

6 Old school friends - female identifying actors

  • can age up or down to around 75years old

  • dramatic stage experience

  • must be relatively fit and agile

Those invited to audition as one of the 6 old school friends will be asked to perform a monologue max min 2mins of something contemporary and tending towards the comic.

To Apply

Send a maximum 2-page CV/bio and a separate headshot/recent photo to

Call backs if they are necessary will happen on Friday 20 January at the Soho Arts Community Hall.

Please also note that not everyone will be asked to audition.

If you have any questions please note I am away on annual leave 9 Dec - 3 Jan and will not be answering emails in that time.

Deadline for registering your interest 16 January COB

Commitment – Creative Development 30 + 31 March 2023

Rehearsals start the week 18 September – season finish 13 November (5 weeks equivalent full time) rehearsals start part time and then become full time so some flexibility may be possible.

Renumeration is based on the LPA Award

Creative Producer: Lucinda Toynbee Wilson

Director: Lisa Gormley

Creative team to be announced in January